Hotglue Wiki
Finding neverland verdvd

Eden Eternal (AKA Finding Neverland Online) is a generic loli MMO with a shitton of classes and fucking guild towns.

Plan of Action[]

CB starts June 2nd. Kritz has requested more keys, but most users will probably have to keep an eye on the giveaway sites. We need either a single user or a small team to rush to level 30 in order to create the guild and the town. Hopefully we'll end up with a glorious NEET paradise of awesome, or at least an asspained village of manchildren.

User List[]

Add yourself and what class you're aiming for via the edit button. We don't want to end up with 300 clerics and 1 Milktank (we don't?).

IGN IRC Name (if applicable) Class
Noe Neokun Magician
Harvestasha Harvestasha Cleric
UselessBunny Useless_Bunny Illusionist
Gilly Tokanova Cleric
Bartz JinSaotome Warrior
Kuro Cleric